Contemporary Fiction with Jane Rusbridge

Thursday 10 April 2014 @ Heene Gallery, Worthing

Jane Rushbridge

Jane will be looking at the Voice in contemporary literature.

Voice: Missing, Lost and Found.

The 'voice' of a novel is what brings the story to life, its essential spirit. It's something we – writers, agents, publishers and readers alike – are all searching for, in one way or another. With reference to the process of writing her first novel, The Devil's Music ( Bloomsbury, 2009), Jane Rusbridge will explore how we as writers can go about our search, what helps and what hinders, and how we might recognise The Voice when we discover it.

Brief Bio:

Jane Rusbridge is the author of The Devil's Music and Rook, both published by Bloomsbury. She has an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Chichester, where she was the recipient of the Philip LeBrun Prize for Creative Writing and was Associate Lecturer in English for more than a decade. She now writes full time.


Here are two pdf files for you to download, these are from the presentation slides and the handout Jane used for her talk.