WSW members only competition rules

(see separate rules for national competition)

1. All entries must be typed. For prose, please use double line spacing and wide margins. For poetry, use single line spacing.
2. Entries must be previously unpublished and your own original work.
3. Up to three entries may be submitted to any one competition.
4. If submitting using paper, please include a cover sheet with the title of the entry, your name, telephone number, e-mail address and word count. If submitting by email, this information can go in the body of the email. Exceeding the advised word or line limit will result in disqualification.
5. Your name should not appear anywhere on the manuscript itself.
6. Most members' competitions will be free to enter. If not, payment instructions will be included in the competition invite.
7. Please ensure the name of the competition is clearly marked in the email subject or on the envelope.
8. Where the competition is free, please email entries, in a Word Document or PDF, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - or bring your paper entry to a meeting - Unless stated otherwise. Late entries will not be accepted.
9. No entrant may win more than one prize in a competition.
10. We ask judges to make a comment on each manuscript where possible. Comments for email entries will be returned via email. If entering a paper copy, please either include a stamped self-addressed envelope or collect entries at the monthly meeting from the competitions secretary. Unclaimed manuscripts will be destroyed.


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