WSW Competitions


WSW Members - Narrative Commentary Competition


Length - 500 to 1000 words
Deadline - Extended to 8 August
Judge: Richard Buxton (our May Speaker)


Write an engaging narrative commentary of between
500 — 1,000 words on a story you have previously written,
incorporating some or all of the aspects below:

Genesis or inspiration
Story development
Influence of workshops or reviews
How this story fits into your body of work
What consideration of the story revealed about your writing
Your personal attachment to the story, however indirect.

To be submitted (with the original story or story extract).

The winner will be announced at the September meeting


All current and new members of WSW are entitled to enter.

Entry should be by email to


Rules for entering members' competitions can be found here




WSW Members - Historical Fiction Competition

Length: 1000 words
Deadline - Midnight on 10 October 2024
To be Judged by Lisa Brace (our July Speaker)


Lisa is looking for the opening chapter of a historical fiction novel.

Alternatively if you have a short story that fits the bill, submit that!

Historical fiction now includes right up to the 1980s, so don't be constrained by eras!


All current and new members of WSW are entitled to enter.

Entry should be by email to


Rules for entering members' competitions can be found here





Below are the results of our past members and national competitions


Coming Eventsa





